
Best Times to Water Your Lawn During Hot Weather

If you’re a homeowner, you’ve probably caught yourself wondering when is the best time to water your lawn. Watering your lawn isn’t as simple as turning on the sprinklers and walking away – different seasons and temperatures call for different lawn watering schedules to ensure healthy grass that lasts throughout the year. It’s especially important to know when to water your lawn in the summer as the temperatures heat up, and that’s where we come in – check out this quick guide to summer lawn watering schedules.  Read More

Why You Need a Professional to Help You With Seasonal Landscaping and Gardening

Summer is coming, and as the temperatures creep up it’s time to prepare your landscaping and gardening for the new season. Not only can seasonal prep ensure your lawn looks amazing all summer long, but it can also keep it healthy through intense heat and sun. However, a DIY approach to seasonal landscaping and gardening isn’t quite as simple as you’d think. Here’s why you should seek out a professional to help you prep your summer landscape.  Read More

How to Tell if Plants, Shrubs, and Trees Are Healthy When Buying Them For Your Yard

Are you thinking about adding new plants, shrubs, or flowering trees to your yard now that spring has arrived? No matter where you’re shopping, it’s critical to be able to discern whether or not a plant is healthy before you bring it home. Hometown Landscape is here with a quick guide on how to spot healthy plants, trees, and shrubs next time you’re shopping for additions to your property Read More

Which Drainage System is Right for Your Yard?

Digging drainage system in yard.

The words “water damage” can strike fear into homeowners’ hearts because this issue brings many problems that are neither easy nor affordable to fix. Water seeping into your home, damage to the foundation or walls, erosion in your yard, and mold are just a few of the adverse effects of uncontrolled water.  Read More

The Top 5 Benefits of Mulching in the Winter Months

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…to mulch? When we think of winter, we often think of colder weather, snow, and decorating for the holidays. Gardening and landscaping are faraway thoughts when the temperatures drop.  It’s not until the first signs of Spring that everyone starts picking out mulch and deciding the best type of mulch for their new landscaping projects. Even though Spring is traditionally thought of as the best time to mulch, the benefits of mulch don’t end just because Winter has arrived.  Read More

To Run or Not To Run. The Benefits of Adding A Dog Run To Your Property

Those with four-legged family members know the importance of ensuring their good boy or girl has plenty of chances and the room to stretch their legs. Long walks through the neighborhood or visits to the dog park are just a few ways that dog owners make sure that their furry friends are happy and healthy. What if you could do even more to pamper your pet? Let Hometown Landscape install a custom dog run for your property that is just right for your best friend. Read More

Transform Your Backyard Into The Best Playground In Town

Some of the best childhood moments come from the pure joy of playing outdoors. While a trip to the local playground can be fun, it can also be challenging to find time in the day to get there. A play area just steps from your home can alleviate the need to travel and help your family make lasting memories. Let the expert team at Hometown Landscape transform your outdoor space into a welcoming play area for your children. Read More