
5 Ways To Prep Your Property For Fall

We spend a lot of time planning in our daily routine. We plan for the weekends, we plan for vacation, we even plan for going back to school but have you started your planning for fall property maintenance? 

Colder temperatures, shorter days, and harsher weather conditions can often wreak havoc on your lawn and garden. In order to save yourself a lot of time, stress, and money, here are some seasonal tips to prepare your property for the coming of fall.  Read More

Why You Should Correct Drainage Issues Immediately

While all living things need water to live, water in the wrong place can be detrimental to your home and your property. Poor drainage can lead to several problems that can become major concerns and expensive to repair if left ignored for too long.

Health risks for you and your family may result from poor drainage. Residents could experience respiratory issues as a result of mold growth that is exacerbated by poor drainage. Mosquitoes and heartworms, both of which can spread disease, can reproduce in any standing water. Read More

15 Quick Winter Landscaping Tips

Winter can be a challenging time for homeowners and property managers. The winter weather can make it difficult to maintain all of your outdoor plants and environment. Here are some landscaping tips to keep your property grounds looking their best throughout winter. Read More

Premier Landscape Design

A landscape design is always customized to the space you have with the features you desire. Think back to when you were a kid. What was one thing a family member or friend’s family had in their backyard or around their property that made you think, “That will be in my home one day.” Maybe you saw a landscape feature on a TV show or in a movie that you instantly fell in love with. Now look at your yard. Do you have it? Read More

3 Ways Hardscaping Can Enhance Your Outdoor Living Space

When you think about adding new features to your outdoor living space, you might be focused solely on generic landscape changes. Whether this means adding new flowers or getting someone to perform tree maintenance, these changes are typical and standard. So, to change things up, consider adding or updating hardscaping features to enhance your property. Not sure what hardscaping is? Hardscaping is the non-living part of your landscape and trust us, it is just as important as the living component of your yard. Here are some ways hardscaping features can completely transform and enhance your outdoor space. Read More

Preparing Your Garden

One of the first steps in preparing a new vegetable garden is to check the soil PH- a simple kit can be purchased online or at a local retail store. Learning the PH level- if you garden soil is more alkaline or acidic will aid in you sorting out what additives may be necessary for a thriving garden.

Need help with your garden plot? Call Hometown at 301-490-5577