Landscaping for Privacy: Ideas to Create Secluded and Tranquil Outdoor Spaces

landscaping for privacy

Are you looking for a way to elevate the tranquility of your outdoor living space while also adding a little bit of privacy into the equation? Landscaping for privacy is a great way to make your outdoor living space that much more peaceful, especially if you find yourself living in a busy urban or suburban area where privacy is more challenging to find.

How do You Implement Landscaping for Privacy? 

Landscaping for privacy doesn’t have to be solely based around plants. There are lots of different structures that can be used alongside plants, trees, and shrubs to ensure prying eyes can’t see into your backyard living space. It can be hard to conceptualize, though, which is why Hometown Landscaping is here to help. Here are our favorite ways to incorporate landscaping for privacy into your backyard. 

Our favorite privacy landscaping ideas

A fence. Before you sign the dotted line on a fence as one of your privacy landscaping ideas, be sure to do your research. First of all, you should check with your local city permitting office to ensure you can build the fence you want and to see if you need any permits to get the job done. Also, consider design – you want to choose fencing material that matches the aesthetic of your existing backyard so you can retain your peaceful living space. There are tons of different types of fences that you can utilize for privacy – wood, vinyl, etc – and endless design ideas to consider. Do your research!

A pergola. A pergola is a chic way to bring your privacy landscaping ideas to life. You can use one that’s a simple grid on the top to let sunlight in, or a closed pergola that protects you from the elements. Pergolas are also great for hanging privacy screens on to give you a secluded space outside, as well as the perfect showcase for outdoor lighting.

Shrubs or hedges. Tall shrubs and hedges are a great way to make your privacy landscaping ideas come to fruition. When tall enough, they’ll not only allow for privacy but also help keep things quieter and block bad weather like heavy winds and rain. We recommend shrubs like Mock Orange, Lilac, Forsythia, Arborvitae, Yew, and Privet. However, the options are plentiful. Choose shrubs that meet your preferences – do you want flowering shrubs for a pop of color and fragrance? Or maybe you’d prefer something evergreen that’s low-maintenance and fast-growing. Make a list of your wants and then align it with your shrub choices.

Related: The Key to Thriving Shrubs and Trees In Winter

Trees. Trees are another great way to use landscaping for privacy; however, keep in mind that they may take a little bit longer to provide the quiet you’re looking for (so opt for fast-growing options). Tree options are seemingly endless so again, be sure to match your tree choices with your backyard aesthetic and personal preferences.

Greenery. Maybe you have a lattice fence or wall and it’s not giving you the privacy you want in your backyard living space. A great way to add color, enhance privacy, and save money is to allow greenery to grow up the fence or wall. Climbing roses and flowering vines are perfect for the job – they’ll block your line of sight into your neighbor’s yard and give you something beautiful to look at instead.

Fountains. If you have visual privacy but can still hear your neighbors over the fence, a fountain or other water feature is an excellent way to drown out unwanted noise. It can be something as small as a tabletop fountain to something as ornate as a centerpiece fountain – whatever gets the job done. 

Make Your Privacy Landscaping Ideas Come to Life

Want help making your backyard a peaceful, secluded outdoor living space? Contact Hometown Landscaping today