Why Should You Grow a Butterfly and Bee Garden?

butterfly bee garden

Did you know that having a pollinator garden – a garden that attracts bees, butterflies, and other creatures that spread pollen from flower to flower – is extremely beneficial? There are tons of perks to having this type of garden in your living space or even just adding a few plants that attract pollinators. But which plants should you be including in your outdoor space to promote pollinators? We’ve got answers. 

What are Pollinators?

Let’s start things off with explaining what pollinators are and why they’re important. Pollinators are – as noted above – creatures that spread pollen from plant to plant. They include butterflies, bees, bats, birds, moths, and other animals. Pollinators move from flower to flower, spreading pollen and encouraging fertilization, which then leads to fruit and seed production. All in all, pollinators play a critical part in the world as they ensure that plants continue to produce fruit as well as viable seeds for future plants. 

Pollinators are even more critical now – more than 1,000 plant species depend on pollination for survival. Many foods, drinks, medicines, fibers, and spices come from these plants, and our planet – and population – depend on them. By creating a bee garden or planting plants that attract butterflies, you’re helping to encourage pollination and encouraging plant species to thrive. 

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Creating a Butterfly and Bee Garden

But what are the plants that attract butterflies and bees? Here are the plants you should look for when planning your pollinator garden. 

Perennial plants that attract butterflies and bees: If you’re looking for a perennial plant – a plant that can handle the cold and bounce back in the spring – here are some options: 

  • Black-eyed Susans 
  • Butterfly Weed, a notable butterfly flower 
  • Lavender 
  • Bee Balm 
  • Lupine 
  • Aster 
  • Purple Coneflower 
  • Goldenrods
  • Pineapple Sage 
  • Globe Thistle 

Annual plants that attract butterflies and bees: There are also a host of annual bee and butterfly flowers – these plants live and die within one season. They include: 

  • Floss Flower 
  • Milkweed (another favorite butterfly flower) 
  • Verbena 
  • Egyptian Star Flower 
  • Mexican Sunflower 
  • Zinnias

Perks of Having a Butterfly and Bee Garden

Having a pollinator garden doesn’t just ensure that you’re doing your part for the flowers – here are some other perks of having this type of garden in your yard: 

  • They’re beautiful – the flowers create an abundance of color and scent in your yard 
  • They help with biological control of pest insects 
  • They increase native biodiversity, which is especially important in areas that are being developed 
  • They encourage wildlife to visit your yard, giving you great opportunities to see butterflies, hummingbirds, and more 

Tips for Maintaining Your Pollinator Garden 

How do you take care of plants that attract butterflies and bees? Here are some quick maintenance types for pollinator gardens: 

  • Choose native plants – not only will they thrive better in your area, but they’ll also be attractive to local wildlife 
  • Maintain a diversity of plants. You should be planting different colors, sizes, and shapes, as well as using plants of different heights in your garden to encourage pollinators to visit 
  • Try to limit your use of pesticides
  • Install bat boxes to give bats a safe place to sleep during the day 
  • Keep a continuous supply of food for the pollinators – you’ll want at least three different plant species each spring, summer, and fall

Get Your Butterfly and Bee Garden Started With Hometown Landscape 

Ready to bring the buzz and beauty of a thriving pollinator garden to your space? Contact Hometown Landscape today, and we’ll work together to get your pollinator garden up and running. Our team of experts is ready to assist you in creating a vibrant and eco-friendly haven for pollinators. Reach out now to start your journey toward a flourishing garden that benefits both nature and your surroundings.